San Diego Steve

Who am I?

sandegosteveFor the most part, I am just an average guy who lives in San Diego. I earn my keep in the world of hightech and enjoy cycling, fishing, hockey, sailing, geek stuff and spending time with family and friends.  A good beer at the end of the day is never bad either.

Why Have a Site?

I actually don’t have much to say, so it is a little curious that I have a blog.

I started this blog in 2007 for a couple of reasons. The main reason is to share my story around recovering from microfracture surgery.

In 2013, I had another surgery.  This time it was for a herniated disc and I had a lumbar laminectomy surgery.

2016 was a near repeat to 2013 with another back surgery.

A lot of people turn to the internet to learn about their condition and the road ahead.  Most things on the internet seem to be negative.  I’ve found that when people are happy with things, they tend not to report them.  So, I hope these accounts can help other people with similar situations and that is why I started this blog.